International Partners
No. | University | Country |
1 | Highline Community College | USA |
2 | Instituto Centroamericano de Admistracion Publica | USA |
3 | Oklahoma State University | USA |
4 | The Regents of University of California On Behalf of The Davis Campus | USA |
5 | The University of Wyoming, Laramie | USA |
6 | Trustees of Boston University | USA |
7 | Curtin University | Australia |
8 | Griffith University | Australia |
9 | Griffith University | Australia |
10 | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute | Australia |
11 | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute | Australia |
12 | Queensland University of Technology | Australia |
13 | The University of Newcastle | Australia |
14 | The University of Queensland | Australia |
15 | University of Canberra | Australia |
16 | ASEA UNINET, Austria | Austria |
17 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
18 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands |
19 | Netherlands Enterprose Agency (RVO) | Netherlands |
20 | Radboud University | Netherlands |
21 | Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands | Netherlands |
22 | VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Netherlands |
23 | Wageningen University | Netherlands |
24 | SEAMEO Regional Cetre for Tropical Biology | Bogor |
25 | The University of Nottingham Ningbo China | China |
26 | Huaqiao University | China |
27 | Institute of Urban Environment Chinese Academic of Science | China |
28 | Jiangsu Second Normal University | China |
29 | Jimei University | China |
30 | Ocean University of China | China |
31 | Xi’anInternasional Studies University | China |
32 | Universidad Autonoma De Occidente | Colombia |
33 | Kongu Engineering College | India |
34 | Mody University Of Science And Technology, India | India |
35 | Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India | India |
36 | Coventry University | England |
37 | Hull University | England |
38 | Loughborough University | England |
39 | University of Birmingham United Kingdom | England |
40 | University of Dundee, United Kingdom | England |
41 | University of Sheffield | England |
42 | The University of Zanjan, Islamic Republik of Iran | Iran |
43 | University Of Kashan | Iran |
44 | The University Of Trento | Italy |
45 | Akashi National College Of Technology | Japan |
46 | Association of japan Shipbuilders (CAJS) | Japan |
47 | Chiba University | Japan |
48 | Indonesian Education Promoting Foundation (IEPF) | Japan |
49 | Kagoshima University | Japan |
50 | Kanazawa University | Japan |
51 | Kanazawa University | Japan |
52 | Kyoto Women’s University | Japan |
53 | National Institute Of Technology, Akashi College | Japan |
54 | Ritsumeikan University | Japan |
55 | Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) | Japan |
56 | Tottori University, Jepang | Japan |
57 | Toyohashi University | Japan |
58 | Schweißtechnische Lehr und Versuchsanstalt Mannheim GmbH, Germany | Germany |
59 | Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Fach Bereich-Architektur Germany | Germany |
60 | DPFA Academy for Work and Health | Germany |
61 | Kazakh National Agrarian University | Kazakhstan |
62 | Catholic Kwandong University | Korea |
63 | Chung – Ang University | Korea |
64 | Chung -Ang University | Korea |
65 | Dong – A University | Korea |
66 | Gyeongsang National University | Korea |
67 | Kangwon National University | Korea |
68 | Kangwon National University | Korea |
69 | Myongji University Seoul | Korea |
70 | The International Trade and Law Institute | Korea |
71 | Youngsan University | Korea |
72 | Universitas Zagreb | Croatia |
73 | Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences | Malaysia |
74 | Internasional Islamic University Malaysia | Malaysia |
75 | Nanhua University | Malaysia |
76 | Taylor’s University | Malaysia |
77 | Telekom SDN BHD | Malaysia |
78 | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Malaysia |
79 | Universiti Malaysia Terengganu | Malaysia |
80 | Universiti Teknologi Mara | Malaysia |
81 | Universiti Teknologi Petronas Perak Darul Ridzuan | Malaysia |
82 | University of Malaya | Malaysia |
83 | University Sains Malaysia | Malaysia |
84 | Indus University Karachi | Pakistan |
85 | A2id (nternasional Interdisciplinary Association for Decision) dan Medicis Business Scholl |
France |
86 | Universite De Poitiers | France |
87 | Universite De Poitiers | France |
88 | Anteno de Manila University Philiphines | Philippine |
89 | ST PAUL UNIVERSITY | Philippine |
90 | Minin University | Russia |
91 | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
92 | ANTON DE KOM University of Suriname | Suriname |
93 | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nortwestern Switzerland | Switzerland |
94 | University of Taipei | Taiwan |
95 | Chung Shan Medical University | Taiwan |
96 | Chung Yuan Christian University | Taiwan |
97 | National Central University | Taiwan |
98 | National Chin Yi University of Technology | Taiwan |
99 | National Chung Hsing University | Taiwan |
100 | National Museum of Natural Science | Taiwan |
101 | National Sun Yat-sen University | Taiwan |
102 | National Tsing Hua University | Taiwan |
103 | National United University | Taiwan |
104 | National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) | Taiwan |
105 | Shu – Te University | Taiwan |
106 | Tunghai University | Taiwan |
107 | Tunghai University | Taiwan |
108 | Tzu Chi University | Taiwan |
109 | Burapha University | Thailand |
110 | National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, National Science and Technology Development Agency (BIOTEC), Thailand |
Thailand |
111 | Panyapiwat Institute of Management | Thailand |
112 | Siam University | Thailand |
113 | Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasar University | Thailand |
114 | Suranaree University of Technology | Thailand |
115 | Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), Dili Timor Leste | East Timor |
116 | Instituto Nacional da Administracao Publica Comissao da Funcao Publica (INAP-CFP), Timor Leste |
East Timor |
117 | Istabul Aydin University | Turkey |
118 | Kirklareli University | Turkey |
119 | Konya Technical University | Turkey |
120 | Nisantasi University | Turkey |
121 | Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University | Turkey |
122 | Ton Duc Thang University | Vietnam |
123 | Tra Vinh University | Vietnam |
124 | Vnu University Of Social Sciences And Humanities, Hanoi | Vietnam |
125 | Taichung Veterans General Hospital | Taiwan |
126 | United Cities and Local Goverments Asia-Pasific (UCLG -ASPAC) | Jakarta |
127 | Association Internationale Interdisciplinaire de la Decisin Franze (A2ID) | France |
128 | ADB (Asian Development Bank) | Philippines |
Note: Agreement with an “A” behind the date of expiry is categorized as automatically renewed and considered as an active MoU
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